Author Archives: Supersotilas

Christmas Yoshi

December’s events

Merry December for everyone! Evenings are getting darker and air colder, and soon it will be next year already. Before that there are few events remaining, but first we have a small announcement:

As decided in association’s autumn meeting, ANC’s membership fee will increase to seven euros per year starting next year, so if you haven’t already renewed your membership for the next year, it is very recommended to do it before the year ends.

Additionally, please note that this Wednesday 6.12. there’s no hangout, but we wish everyone a peaceful Independency Day! Okay, now some events:

Smash weekly Fri 8.12. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
The autumn season is nearing its end, but there’s still time to collect some points. The games played in the event are Ultimate and Melee, as usual, and even the very beginners are welcome to attend. So come along to Chapel to Smash yourself into victory or your opponents into chaos.

Christmas Party Gaming Night Thu 14.12. 17.00-22.00 Turku-Sali
The last gaming night of the year will be Christmas themed, so come to Turku-Sali to play with others, eat gingerbreads and drink glogg. Also, in this gaming night there will one of the year’s most long-awaited events, Paavo’s Traditional Game Music Quiz! Here are the rules of the event presented by Paavo himself:
Game Music Quiz starts at 18.00. I will play you 15 songs, which will take about 40 minutes. After that we will go through the right answers together, which will take about 30 minutes.
The goal of the participants is to recognize the game where the song played is from, and to explain or define where in the game the song is played (intro, level1, waterlevel, bossfight etc.). You get points from the correct game series, game, and name/definition of the song. If only one of these is correct, you are given three out of five points, and you get an additional point for each additionally correct attribute. That means you don’t have to recognize the exact game at all to get good points. Additionally, you can plead for one point from a completely incorrect answer if it’s clever or funny. I will get the winner a prize with a value of around 10 euros.
You can also participate to the music quiz with easier rules. In this case you are given all correct answers on a paper in a random order. Your goal is to arrange them into a correct order heard during the quiz.
You can write your answers to paper or send them to me with a private discord message. I will bring some paper with me, but extra pencils from for example Terrakoti would be nice.
The playlist for the game music quiz consists of classics, exciting surprises, humor and hopefully, good music. The lyrics, atmosphere and overall associations of the song can give hints to the correct answer. The goal is to create an entertaining quiz even if you haven’t played any of the source games.
Come along to guess songs and enjoy the music!

Smash weekly Secret Santa Edition Fri 15.12. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
The final Smash weekly of the year is here, and the winners of the autumn season are decided. For the season finale and taking current season into consideration, this weekly will be played in Secret Santa format, which means players skills with characters other than theirs will be put into test. Everybody is welcome no matter their skill level, this weekly is the one to have fun with!

Hangout Wed 20.12. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
The last hangout and at the same time the last ANC event of the year is on Wednesday, and we welcome all of you to hang out and enjoy each other (and games, of course) for the one last time in 2023.

After this we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2024! The current board thanks you all for this year, and the new board will begin right away in the beginning of January with the first hangout on 3.1.!

SM-kisat 2023

The Finnish Championships of Academic Nintendo gaming this Saturday

When the end of the year is getting closer, it is once again time for the Finnish Championships of Academic Nintendo gaming this Saturday 25.11.! The players will challenge each other in a variety of games released on Nintendo consoles, though the games itself will be a secret until the competition starts. The event is open for everyone and completely free, so come to show your hidden talent or just to have fun while playing more or less classic games. You can sign up at or by coming to the tournament venue early at the tournament day. You can also find all the other necessary info from the page (though most of it is in Finnish). If you have questions of any kind, you can message us at our Discord server.

In other news, the association meeting will be held on Wednesday 22.11. at 15.00 in Turku-sali, so if you want to influence what ANC will do next year, join the meeting!

Also there’s a hangout right after the association meeting, Smash is played on Thursday and in December’s upcoming gaming night there will be the traditional Paavo’s game music quiz (more info coming later), so you really can’t say the year is over for ANC!

SM-kisat 2023

November’s events

The year is nearing its end and daylight is dwindling, but ANC’s events aren’t ending and brighten the day.

Hangout Wed 8.11. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
This month’s first hangout, which also has the board activity introduction 17.30-18.30 for those who are interested in the board’s operation and possibly in joining the next year’s board. Welcome!

Smash weekly Thu 9.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Smash weeklies continue after Koneistamo and Weekly number 200, welcome to play and compete!

Gaming night Mon 13.11. 17.00-22.00 Turku-Sali
November’s gaming night, where we will be gaming and hanging out in Turku-Sali. Welcome!

Smash weekly Thu 16.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Weeklies just keep going, who will be crowned winner this time?

Association Meeting Wed 22.11. 15.00-17.30 Turku-Sali
The association meeting approaches, which will have invites for coming in the near future with more information.

Hangout Wed 22.11. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
Right after the association meeting there’s a hangout, come to chat and play together!

Smash weekly Thu 23.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
The season finale is approaching slowly, but there’s still a few weeks left to collectt points! Whether you want to claim the league prize or just to have fun, welcome!

Finnish Championships of Nintendo Gaming 2023 Sat 25.11. 12.00-20.00 Turun Ylioppilastalo B
This year’s most fun and ceremonial tournament is here, where we compete for the Finnish Championship of Nintendo Gaming! In the competition we will play many different games on different Nintendo consoles, and the games themselves are a secret which are not revealed until the start of the tournament. The tournament itself starts at 12.30 and for that reason it’s a good idea to be early. Registration and more information such as the location can be found here.

Smash weekly Thu 30.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
We managed to fit one more weekly to this month, so we’ll see you there!

Koneistamo 23

Events in the late-October

Now it’s finally the time! This year’s biggest Smash event in Turku, Koneistamo 23, starts next Friday! Registration closes on Monday, so now is your last chance to register at The event is two days long, Ultimate and Melee doubles will be played on Friday 20.10. at 17.00-22.00 at Turku-sali and both singles will be played on Saturday 21.10. at 12.30-22.30 at T-talo. More information can be found behind the link.

Koneistamo isn’t of course the only thing happening in the second half of October, ANC will also have these events coming up:

Pre-Koneistamo training night Wed 18.10. 17.00–22.00 Terrakoti
Even though there’s no regular weekly on the Koneistamo-week, there will be an extra training night at Terrakoti for everybody preparing for the Koneistamo (and for others interested in Smash). Everyone is welcome, the purpose is to get warmed up and learn the last-minute tips before the big tournament!

Smash weekly #200 Tue 24.10. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Right after the Koneistamo is the 200th Smash weekly in Turku, and there will be some special program to honor it! More information will be revealed at the later date, but Smash players of all skill levels, both old and new, are warmly welcome!

Hangout Wed 25.10. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
(Look, there are events not related to smash here.) On Wednesday it’s time for hangout, to where you can come to play, chat or just vibe with others. Everybody’s welcome!

Gaming night Tue 31.10. 17.00-22.00 Turku-Sali
There’s still room for gaming night at the end of the month, and what could be a better time than the night of Halloween? Come and play various video games from ANC’s library, this time with an added Halloween twist!

Coming later: Finnish championships of Nintendo gaming 25.11.
The yearly Finnish championships of Nintendo gaming will be held at the end of November, where players will be challenged by a variety of mystery games. More information will come later, but you should mark the date already!

Luigi's Mansion

Happening in October

Awesome October for everyone! Now when it’s getting colder outside and weather’s rainier than usual, what could be nicer than to sit inside playing videogames with others? Following events are happening this month:

Smash weekly Fri 6.10. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Weeklies return finally to the good old Campus Chapel! If you haven’t been in Campus Chapel before, you can find it by going to the area in front of Student House B and Proffan kellari and continuing slightly right past the bike parks but before the daycare. You can recognize the place from the ANC’s sign that’s waiting outside. Both Ultimate and Melee will be played at the event as usual, and players of all skill levels including complete beginners are welcome! Preregistration (recommended) and more information can be found from this link:

Hangout Wed 11.10. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
Final Fantasy X -stream continues, come watch it to the hangout or from ANC’s twitch:! In addition, there’s the usual, casual hangout where everybody can come to play and talk about games with others. Welcome!

Smash weekly Thu 12.10. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
There’s the familiar casual-competitive atmosphere at the weeklies, whether you wanted to be best of the best or just to have fun with friends, you don’t want to miss this! Preregistration link will once again be published day or two before.

Koneistamo 23 Fri 20.10. 17.00–22.00 Turku-Sali & Sat 21.10. 12.30–22.30 T-talo
The biggest Smash event of the Autumn (in Turku) is here soon! The doubles tournaments on both Ultimate and Melee will be played on Friday at Turku-Sali and on Saturday the singles tournaments on both games are held at T-talo. Attending the event are the top players of the Finnish Smash scene, so if you are even slightly interested in Smash, you don’t want to miss this one! Registration (open until 16.10.!), fees, prizepools and other stuff can be found from this link:

Smash weekly #200 Tue 24.10. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Right after the Koneistamo is the 200th Smash weekly in Turku, and there will be some special program to honor it! More information will be revealed at the later date, but Smash players of all skill levels, both old and new, are warmly welcome!

Hangout Wed 25.10. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
On Wednesday it’s time for hangout, to where you can come to play, chat or just vibe with others. You know, like usually.

Gaming night Tue 31.10. 17.00-22.00 Turku-Sali
There’s still room for gaming night at the end of the month, and what could be a better time than the night of Halloween? Come and play various video games from ANC’s library, this time with an added Halloween twist!

Coming later: Finnish championships of Nintendo gaming 25.11.
The yearly Finnish championships of Nintendo gaming will be held at the end of November, where players will be challenged by a variety of mystery games. More information will come later, but you should mark the date already!

September’s events

Welcome to old, new and future members of ANC and event goers! Fall has officially started and with that ANC is offering even more fun events for new people where you can familiarize yourself to ANC’s activities and have fun. Info on how to find most events at the end of the message.

Opening carnival Tue 5.9. 12.00-14.00 In front of Educarium
ANC is participating in the opening carnival where you can meet ANC and also this is a great event to tell your friends about if they are possibly interested in ANC and its activities!

Smash weekly Tue 5.9. 17.00-22.00 Turku-sali
Smash leagues fall season’s first weekly is here! During smash weeklies we play Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Melee in brackets kinda like a mini tournament. If schedule allows it we will also hold an amateur bracket in Ultimate for those who are eliminated in the first round of bracket so that you can try to win in another bracket. You can also come watch the competition and gaming or play outside the bracket and the competition. More info and registration can be found here.
Due to the delayed maintenance of Campus Chapel weeklies will be primarily held in Turku-sali and because of that the next weekly will be on Thursday 14.9. in Turku-sali.
Rest of the September’s weeklies are on Wed 20.9. and Mon 25.9., all in Turku-sali.

Open doors day Tue 12.9. 12.00-18.00 Osakuntasali
ANC will be coming to host a gaming station where you can play Nintendo games and have fun.

Hangout Wed 13.9. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
A perfect hangout for new people to familiarize and see for themselves what happens during ANC’s hangouts! There will be relaxed hanging out and also the chance to play Nintendo games and much more! Everyone is welcome!

Gaming night Thu 21.9. 17.00-22.00 Turku-sali
Gaming nights are usually hosted in Turku-sali and September’s is no exception. During gaming nights we play in the bigger space of Turku-sali everything from Nintendo games to much much more. Welcome to play and have fun!

Hangout Wed 27.9. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
September’s second hangout, you can come hang out and play games in good company and also take shelter from the rainy fall weather. Welcome!

Mega Man marathon Sat-Sun 30.9.-1.10. 12.00-22.00 Turku-sali
Playing the Mega Man games in between the months! Saturday we will be playing the Mega Man games from 1 to 6 and Sunday games 7 to 11. Welcome!

As a reminder…
Koneistamo 23 (20-21.10.) A bigger Smash tournament here in Turku, more info and coming later.
ANC will also be organizing the Finnish championship of Nintendo 25.11., more info coming later.
Plus much more!

drinking link

ANC’s events to the end of August

Heyyyy there! Here’s some reminders of what’s still coming from ANC this August:

Pride Parade Sat 26.8. 12.00-13.00 Old Great Square

ANC is partipating once again to the Pride Parade together with other Terrakoti Clubs! Come to say hi and to march for the rights of the minorities.

ANC’s drinking game night Sat 26.8. 16.00- Terrakoti

ANC’s drinking game night makes its long-awaited return this Saturday, right after the Pride Parade! Drinking game night’s purpose is, of course, play many kinds of Nintendo games with little more unusual rules and having a few drinks at the same time. Because there’s alcohol at the event, it’s strictly for people over 18 only. Please remember to take you own drinks and ID with you. Nobody is also forced or pressured to drink alcohol at any point in the event, you are allowed (and surely will) have fun even without!

Hangout Wed 30.8. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti

There’s one more hangout left in the August, when it’s good time to come play and chat with others. Everybody is welcome!

Smash League begins Fri 1.9. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel Cancelled!

We must unfortunately cancel this Fridays Smash weekly, because Campus Chapel is (still) under maintenance. Autumn’s Smash League will instead start on Tuesday 5.9.!

(Waiting is finally over when Autumn’s Smash League starts at the same time in the same Campus Chapel! Games will be Ultimate and Melee and you can join the fight were you high-level esports gamer or just heard about the game. Pre-registration link will be published next week.)

ANC will also be attending the following student events and welcoming new students to student life:

Welcome Fair Fri 25.8. 12.00-14.00 University hill

Study in Turku Fair Wed 30.8. 10.00-16.00 ICT-talo

Opening Carnival Tue 5.9. 12.00-14.00 In front of Educarium

These events are meant for showing our activities to new students, but of course people who have been with ANC longer are also welcome to say hi, if you happen to be nearby. And if you now someone who just moved here and might be interested in ANC’s events, you should definitely tell them about these!


Happening in August

Hopefully everyone has enjoyed their summer fully because fall is coming closer day to day. From the beginning of August, hangouts will again be held every other week (that means no hangout on 9.8. or 23.8.), but at the same time other ANC-events will be more common.

Terracon Sat 12.8. Terrakoti and Osakuntasali

ANC is taking part in Terracon, which is an event organized by all clubs living in Terrakoti. Come to play on ANC’s playspot, buy patches and other merch and of course find out what kinds of things you can do at the Terrakoti. More info at: (in Finnish)

Hangout Wed 16.8. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti

Normal hangout, normal stuff. Everybody is welcome to play and hang out with others at Terrakoti!

Kitsunecon Sat 19.8. Kaarina-talo

ANC is attending also to another con, Kitsunecon! It’s held at the Kaarina city library and this year’s theme is games! If you are nearby, come to play on ANC’s gaming spot and of course take a look at other things happening in the con as well. More info at: (in Finnish)

Welcome Fair Fri 25.8. 12.00-14.00 University hill

ANC is welcoming new international students in Welcome Fair, come and say hi!

ANC’s drinking game night Sat 26.8. Terrakoti

It has been way too much time since the last drinking game night, so now it’s time for that. Welcome to have fun and enjoy various Nintendo games with alcohol (and other drinks). Please be aware that because event has alcohol, you are only allowed to enter if you are over 18 years old and have an ID with you!

Study in Turku Fair ke 30.8. 10.00-16.00 ICT-talo

ANC is once again telling about it’s activities in Study in Turku Fair. Come and say hi and maybe buy a patch for yourself.

Hangout Wed 30.8. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti

After the fair it’s good time to come hang out to Terrakoti and play some games from the ANC’s large console game collection.

Other things in the future…

Sadly there was no time for it in August, but on Friday 1.9. continues the Smash league at Kampuskappeli, where players with any kind of skill level are welcome to play some Smash with more or less competitively. Gaming nights will also return in September.

Mega Man Marathon 30.9.-1.10. (Quality games incoming)

Koneistamo 23 20.-21.10. (For those hungry for Smash)

The Finnish championships for Academic Nintendo gaming 25.11. (Champion will be crowned)

And many other things as well!

Animal Crossing summer

Happening in June

Hi there! Hopefully you all have had a nice start to the summer. Now when the summer breaks have begun and days are slowly getting warmer, what could be a better way to spend your time than playing games and having fun with each other. ANCs gaming nights and smash league are taking a little summer break too (☹), but don’t worry because hangouts are there to cover them. That’s right, at least during June there will be a hangout in every week!

So come along to play card, smash or whatever you want (you are also allowed to come and just talk and hang out casually) to Terrakoti every Wednesday:
7.6. (Today!)
Hangouts will be held, as usual, at 17.00-22.00 at Terrakoti.

Other events are also being planned for later in the summer, for example the Gotta Go Fast speedrun event on 15.7. at Terrakoti. If playing games fast interests you, join ANCs discord server ( and take @speedrunnaaja role for yourself. If you want to run in the event you can sign up here: (open until 9.7.)