Hopefully everyone has enjoyed their summer fully because fall is coming closer day to day. From the beginning of August, hangouts will again be held every other week (that means no hangout on 9.8. or 23.8.), but at the same time other ANC-events will be more common.
Terracon Sat 12.8. Terrakoti and Osakuntasali
ANC is taking part in Terracon, which is an event organized by all clubs living in Terrakoti. Come to play on ANC’s playspot, buy patches and other merch and of course find out what kinds of things you can do at the Terrakoti. More info at: https://terrakoti.net/terracon/ (in Finnish)
Hangout Wed 16.8. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
Normal hangout, normal stuff. Everybody is welcome to play and hang out with others at Terrakoti!
Kitsunecon Sat 19.8. Kaarina-talo
ANC is attending also to another con, Kitsunecon! It’s held at the Kaarina city library and this year’s theme is games! If you are nearby, come to play on ANC’s gaming spot and of course take a look at other things happening in the con as well. More info at: https://kitsunecon.fi/ (in Finnish)
Welcome Fair Fri 25.8. 12.00-14.00 University hill
ANC is welcoming new international students in Welcome Fair, come and say hi!
ANC’s drinking game night Sat 26.8. Terrakoti
It has been way too much time since the last drinking game night, so now it’s time for that. Welcome to have fun and enjoy various Nintendo games with alcohol (and other drinks). Please be aware that because event has alcohol, you are only allowed to enter if you are over 18 years old and have an ID with you!
Study in Turku Fair ke 30.8. 10.00-16.00 ICT-talo
ANC is once again telling about it’s activities in Study in Turku Fair. Come and say hi and maybe buy a patch for yourself.
Hangout Wed 30.8. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
After the fair it’s good time to come hang out to Terrakoti and play some games from the ANC’s large console game collection.
Other things in the future…
Sadly there was no time for it in August, but on Friday 1.9. continues the Smash league at Kampuskappeli, where players with any kind of skill level are welcome to play some Smash with more or less competitively. Gaming nights will also return in September.
Mega Man Marathon 30.9.-1.10. (Quality games incoming)
Koneistamo 23 20.-21.10. (For those hungry for Smash)
The Finnish championships for Academic Nintendo gaming 25.11. (Champion will be crowned)
And many other things as well!