Game nights
ANC organises gaming nights in either Turku-sali (on the second floor of Student House A (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 A)) or Campus chapel (Student House C (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 C)) at least once a month. Feel free to come play with us! Bring your friends, too! No previous experience with video games is required, just come have fun! The gaming evenings are also a great opportunity for people to become members of the club or for members to pay their membership fees.
Hanging out
We hang out every other Wednesday (on odd-numbered weeks) from 17:00 onwards at our office, Terrakoti (Student House B (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 B)). There are usually no planned activities, we just out and play video games or board games. Everyone is welcome to come play or chat with us, or to come make their own suggestions on how to spend the evening.
The Smash League club
The Smash League is a competitive league where we play games from the Super Smash Bros. series once a week. We use the website to organise the Smash League. The league competes mainly in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Melee, but other tournaments can also be suggested.
New players and experienced fighters alike are welcome to the league meetings. Even those not interested in joining the competitions are welcome, since we have enough consoles to allow for some more casual battles as well.
Video screenings
We watch (mostly) video game-related movies and series whenever we find a good excuse to do so. Recently, we have been watching the Angry Video Game Nerd -web series.
The Finnish Championship of Academic Nintendo Gaming
Our biggest event is the annual Finnish Championship of Academic Nintendo Playing, held usually in november. It features a wide variety of games from NES to Switch. A new lineup of games is chosen every year by the board and they are kept secret until the tournament starts.
Koneistamo is a competitive gaming event hosted by ANC ry, Smash Finland ry and Turun Taistelupelaajat ry. The event mostly focuses on games from the Super Smash Bros. series, but Turun Taistelupelaajat ry also hosts competitions of other fighting games.