Now it’s finally the time! This year’s biggest Smash event in Turku, Koneistamo 23, starts next Friday! Registration closes on Monday, so now is your last chance to register at The event is two days long, Ultimate and Melee doubles will be played on Friday 20.10. at 17.00-22.00 at Turku-sali and both singles will be played on Saturday 21.10. at 12.30-22.30 at T-talo. More information can be found behind the link.
Koneistamo isn’t of course the only thing happening in the second half of October, ANC will also have these events coming up:
Pre-Koneistamo training night Wed 18.10. 17.00–22.00 Terrakoti
Even though there’s no regular weekly on the Koneistamo-week, there will be an extra training night at Terrakoti for everybody preparing for the Koneistamo (and for others interested in Smash). Everyone is welcome, the purpose is to get warmed up and learn the last-minute tips before the big tournament!
Smash weekly #200 Tue 24.10. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Right after the Koneistamo is the 200th Smash weekly in Turku, and there will be some special program to honor it! More information will be revealed at the later date, but Smash players of all skill levels, both old and new, are warmly welcome!
Hangout Wed 25.10. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
(Look, there are events not related to smash here.) On Wednesday it’s time for hangout, to where you can come to play, chat or just vibe with others. Everybody’s welcome!
Gaming night Tue 31.10. 17.00-22.00 Turku-Sali
There’s still room for gaming night at the end of the month, and what could be a better time than the night of Halloween? Come and play various video games from ANC’s library, this time with an added Halloween twist!
Coming later: Finnish championships of Nintendo gaming 25.11.
The yearly Finnish championships of Nintendo gaming will be held at the end of November, where players will be challenged by a variety of mystery games. More information will come later, but you should mark the date already!