The year is nearing its end and daylight is dwindling, but ANC’s events aren’t ending and brighten the day.
Hangout Wed 8.11. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
This month’s first hangout, which also has the board activity introduction 17.30-18.30 for those who are interested in the board’s operation and possibly in joining the next year’s board. Welcome!
Smash weekly Thu 9.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Smash weeklies continue after Koneistamo and Weekly number 200, welcome to play and compete!
Gaming night Mon 13.11. 17.00-22.00 Turku-Sali
November’s gaming night, where we will be gaming and hanging out in Turku-Sali. Welcome!
Smash weekly Thu 16.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
Weeklies just keep going, who will be crowned winner this time?
Association Meeting Wed 22.11. 15.00-17.30 Turku-Sali
The association meeting approaches, which will have invites for coming in the near future with more information.
Hangout Wed 22.11. 17.00-22.00 Terrakoti
Right after the association meeting there’s a hangout, come to chat and play together!
Smash weekly Thu 23.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
The season finale is approaching slowly, but there’s still a few weeks left to collectt points! Whether you want to claim the league prize or just to have fun, welcome!
Finnish Championships of Nintendo Gaming 2023 Sat 25.11. 12.00-20.00 Turun Ylioppilastalo B
This year’s most fun and ceremonial tournament is here, where we compete for the Finnish Championship of Nintendo Gaming! In the competition we will play many different games on different Nintendo consoles, and the games themselves are a secret which are not revealed until the start of the tournament. The tournament itself starts at 12.30 and for that reason it’s a good idea to be early. Registration and more information such as the location can be found here.
Smash weekly Thu 30.11. 17.00-22.00 Campus Chapel
We managed to fit one more weekly to this month, so we’ll see you there!