Category Archives: Yhteistyötapahtumat


Terrakoti open doors 31.8. – 3.9.

Are you interested in science fiction, fantasy, anime, gaming or just everything weird in general?

Terrakoti is the living room of six geek societies located in Turku at Student House B. We are having an all week long open doors event from 31st of August to 3rd of September. Due to current COVID-19 situation, at least some parts of the event will be outside.


Monday Aug 31st: Tyrmä (roleplaying)

Tuesday Sept 1st: Senpai (anime & manga)

Wednesday Sept 2nd: ANC (console playing) from noon to 5pm, on yard next to Student houses B and C.

Thursday Sept 3rd: Tutka & TSFS (science fiction and fantasy). 

Please attend the event only if you are not experiencing any flu-like symptoms, and remember to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.

Facebook event

Battle of Vikings -cruise tournament 11.1. – 12.1.

World’s first e-sports cruise, from Turku to Stockholm and back again, will be held in January 2020. There will be lots of competition in Tekken 7, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and other games, and a whopping prize pot of €1000! The ANC will also be there to provide some gaming entertainment.

More information on the cruise can be found (in Finnish) in the Viking Line web site​. More information on the competition can be found in the event’s site.

December Game night 10.12. at 17 o’clock @ Turku-sali

There’s still time before Christmas. Time to play games in a game night!

In the December game night, the game collection of the ANC is freely playable. You can also bring your own video games, board games or card games and look for people to play them with.

This time, the anime and manga club Senpai ry will also bring some games to the game night. What do they have planned? You’ll have to come to the game night to find out!

The game night is free and open for everyone. Welcome!

Facebook event

ANC in Grail Quest

The ANC will participate in Grail Quest on 17.10.-19.10. at the Kupittaa Ball Hall (Lemminkäisenkatu 32a).

We will have a speedrun event on Friday, a Smash tournament on Saturday and some free playing on both Friday and Saturday.

The speedrun event still has room for a few speedrunners. So, if you’re interested in demonstrating your ability to complete some game really fast, feel free to contact the board members of the ANC in Discord or by sending an e-mail to: anc-hallitus [at] lists [dot] utu [dot] fi

As a special offer, you can buy a ticket for all three days from the ANC at a price of €16. If you buy the ticket from the ANC, you will also get the right to participate in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament (the normal price for the ticket is around €23 and does not include the €5 participation fee for the Smash tournament (which you can buy at Grail Quest on Friday and Saturday until 12:30)).

You can buy the discounted ticket at any events of the ANC or by transferring money to our account before Wednesday 16.10. Here are the instructions for transferring money:

Account: FI35 4713 0010 0110 62
Recipient: Academic Nintendo Club ry.
Grail Quest
Player name
Telephone number

For more information on Grail Quest, please visit

For more information on the Smash tournament (and the Tekken tournament), please visit

Welcome to Grail Quest!

Open doors of Terrakoti 2. – 6.9.

Are you interested in science fiction, fantasy, anime, gaming or just everything weird in general?

Terrakoti is a living room of six geek societies located in Turku at Student House B. We are having an all week long open doors from 2nd to 6th of September, from noon to 5 PM. Every day except on Tuesday there is also activity aimed at new members from 5 PM onwards.

The days are divided between the societies so that roleplayers will host the open doors on Monday, anime society on Wednesday, sci-fi and fantasy societies on Thursday and console players on Friday. On Tuesday there will be members present from all of the societies.

You can naturally come to meet us at the Study in Turku fair on Thursday 29th of August, as well.

Terrakoti is located at the Student House B. Find a sign on green wall that says ”OsakuntaSALI ja B-talon 1. kerros”, walk through the door and continue along the corridor to the right. Terrakoti is towards the end of the corridor on the left side.

More information:


Koneistamo 20 @ Turku Game Hub 9.-11.8.2019

Yksityiskohdat ja ilmoittautuminen

Viime Koneistamo onnistui niin erinomaisesti, että eikös pistetä samalla menestysreseptillä toinen heti tulille.
Paikkana on tuttuun tapaan Turku Game Hubilla PharmaCityssa (Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4)

Tällä kertaa pelaamme Melee ja Ultimate singles-turnaukset osana eSM-karsintaa. Osallistumiseen vaaditaan SEUL:n pelaajalisenssi ja Suomen kansalaisuus. Ilmoittautuminen näihin turnauksiin päättyy sunnuntaina 4.8. Lisäksi tarjoamme Ultimate Casual Bracketin (amatööribracketin) pooleihin hukkuneille pelaajille, sekä heille, jotka eivät voi eSM-kisoihin osallistua.


perjantai 9.8.

17:00 ovet auki
19:00 Ultimate doubles

lauantai 10.8.

12:00 Melee ja Ultimate singles Wave A poolit
13:30 Melee ja Ultimate singles Wave B poolit
15:00 Melee bracket ja Ultimate Wave C poolit
17:00 Ultimate bracket ja Ultimate Casual bracket

sunnuntai 11.8.

14:00 Turpakellari
21:00 ovet kiinni

pääsymaksu perjantai-lauantai: 10€
Melee ja Ultimate eSM singles 5€,
Ultimate doubles 3€/hlö,
Ultimate Casual Bracket 0€

Vaadimme palkintojen voittajilta henkilötunnuksen, jotta voimme ilmoittaa tiedot tulorekisteriin.

Lisätietoja ja ennakkoilmoittautuminen smashgg:ssä

Tapahtuman järjestävät Academic Nintendo Club ry, Turun Taistelupelaajat ry ja Smashfinland ry


June game night w/ Turku Game Academy @ Osakuntasali 17.6. at 5 PM

The Academic Nintendo Club and the Turku Game Academy are enjoying the summer by organizing a game night together. There will be many consoles and lots of games to play on them.

The game night will be held at Osakuntasali, which is located in Ylioppilastalo B, along the same corridor as the Academic Nintendo Club’s office, Terrakoti.

The event is free and open to everyone. Welcome!

Facebook event

E3/Godfather Showcase with ANC 9. – 11.6.

The Electronic Entertainment Expo will be held once again. New trailers from the biggest developers will be shown. And the Academic Nintendo Club is going to watch them all! Turku Game Hub has provided us with the perfect venue for watching all the press conferences of E3.

Since our current chairman happens to have his birthday at the same time, we will start the event by watching director Francis Ford Coppola’s famous “The Godfather” movies. Why? well, maybe they’re the chairman’s favorite movies, or maybe there’s a deeper meaning. Nobody knows for certain.

Between the press conferences, we will continue playing Heavenly Sword on Playstation 3. Heavenly Sword will be streamed at

Please note that alcohol is not permitted in the event. The event is free and open to everyone.

The schedule of the event looks like this:

Sunday 9.6.:
– 12:00: The Godfather
– 15:30: The Godfather Part II
– 19:00: The Godfather Part III
– 23:00: Microsoft
Monday 10.6.:
– 3:30: Bethesda
– 5:00: Devolver Digital
– 23:0: Ubisoft
Tuesday 11.6.:
– 4:00: Square-Enix
– 19:00: Nintendo

Facebook event


Koneistamo #19 28. – 30.6.

Competitive gamers, come to Turku! Academic Nintendo Club ry, Turun Taistelupelaajat ry and Smashfinland ry are teaming up to bring you the 19th Koneistamo tournament in Turku Game Hub!

This time, Koneistamo will have tournaments in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Pokkén Tournament DX. And for those who like to play card games, Koneistamo has a cubedraft-tournament in Magic the Gathering: Innistrad. Adding to the fun, Turpakellari also has their usual meeting in Game Hub on Sunday, so there should be plenty of chances for battle.

Those who are coming from far away can reserve sleeping spots (bring your own sleeping bags etc.). Please note that alcohol is not permitted in the event.

Pricing (paid in cash upon entering the venue):
– venuefee for friday-saturday (no venuefee on Sunday): 10€
– Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament fee: 5€
– Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament fee: 5€
– Pokkén Tournament DX tournament fee: 3€
– Magic the Gathering: Innistrad tournament fee: 3€

The schedule of the event is as follows:
Friday 28.6.:
– 17:00: The event opens
– 19:00: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate doubles
Saturday 29.6.:
– 12:00: Super Smash Bros. Melee singles
-13:00: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate singles
Suday 30.6.:
– 13:00: Magic the Gathering: Innistrad cubedraft
– 14:00: Turpakellari
– 15:00: Pokkén Tournament DX
– 21:00: The event closes

You can find more information and sign up here