Category Archives: Tiedotteet

Information about ANC remote activity and events!

Hey hey everyone!

The site has lacked much needed update for a while, but we have come back stronger! Here is general information about our remotely held events, as well as info of few special events.

Let us get the most important part out first: We have gathered in these times of physical distance over at ANC’s Discord server. If you have no qualms with the service, you are more than welcome to join us! Currently excluding streams all virtual events are centered around using Discord’s voice chat groups, so you are warmly welcomed to join! You could click the nice button like image below an be there instantly.

Virtual Hangouts:

We are currently holding a virtual hangout every Wednesday at 5pm. By joining the voice group in Discord you get to talk and decide games to play with your fellow members and freedom is the same as always, even if it lacks the physical closeness. We are also currently planning to keep the Virtual Hangout alive, even if physical one comes back, by holding it bi-weekly whenever there would not be a physical hangout normally.

Welcome! Join us in our Virtual Hangouts over Discord!

Smash league:

Smash league has held it’s weeklies as an wi-fi event while using Discord to suss it out. We understand that Ultimate’s internet play is sub-optimal offering for Smash league but we wish everyone willing and able will join us and keep collective skill level up while waiting for normal offline weeklies to return!

Minecraft Server is up! Are you down?

After few queries from members ANC is now hosting Minecraft Java-edition server!

Currently the server can hold maximum of 12 simultaneous players, does not have any third-party modifications running and player versus player feature is turned off. Server is quite flexible though, enabling us to change things according to wishes and needs of players.

Server is already open for those who want to check it out to just test and see or build something.

We are holding an “server warming party” on Monday 11th of May at 17:00 o’clock. Meet us at ANC’s Discord server and we hope that all interested members will join us!

Info for the server can be found from Discord server’s pinned messages!

We also encourage Xbox one, Windows 10 and Switch players who do not have or enjoy Java-edition to network with other players in ANC Discord server and build together!

You will need a Mojang-account with valid Minecraft Java-edition license to connect and play. Any third-party modifications do not require additional fees from players in Java-edition.

TERIST?! is quite like others in field of games that work inside your browser and end in this witty domain, but this time: It’s Tetris.  It isn’t more complicated than the original classic, yet just as popular and addicting! enables competitive Tetris between multiple simultaneous players. All you need is somewhat modern PC and internet browser. Playing on is free.

We will try out the game next virtual hangout – Wednesday May 13th on our Discord server.

Saturday May 16th at 17:00 we will hold a tournament.

Everyone who wants to play this devilishly simple Russian masterpiece of gaming for one more, heck if not one MORE time, is welcome!