Category Archives: Tiedotteet

Autumn mountain Paper Mario

Autumn is starting rapidly and there’s a lot happening at ANC!

September brings a whole slew of events. So there a lot of fun to be had gaming.

Smash-league Fri 2.9. 5 pm at Campus chapel
The popular Smash-league returns. Whether you show up to compete or just play, good times are practically guaranteed. Tournaments will be held of SSBU and SSBM, and the previously beloved amateur tournaments are also likely to make a return. Welcome!

Smash-league Tue 6.9. 5 pm at Campus chapel
The league continues. Welcome to all new and old smashers. The league will indeed have prizes, come December.

Terrakoti open doors day Mon 12.9. 1 pm at Terrakoti
Anyone can get familiar with Terrakoti on the open doors day. Naturally ANC will be representing.

Smash-league Tue 13.9. 5 pm at Campus chapel
The league continues. There’s no need to be afraid one bit. A close game is always a pleasure, be it video games or ice hockey.

Hangout Wed 14.9. 5 pm at Terrakoti
The hangouts are the backbone of ANC. Video and board games and some good company are abound. Welcome.

September gaming night Mon 19.9. 5 pm at Turku-hall
At the month’s gaming night ANC carries a big batch of games to Turku-hall. There’s sure to be some relaxed gaming and good company. See you there.

Smash-league Thu 22.9. 5 pm at Campus chapel
The league continues. Join the fray to stack some heads, or just to enjoy yourself.

Smash-league Tue 27.9. 5 pm at Campus chapel
The last league of the month. Certain fun with competitive party games.

Hangout Wed 28.9. 5 pm at Terrakoti
You’re welcome to join us for some gaming and good company.

Among these events, ANC will also be participating at at least the university opening carnival on 6.9. and the Turku book fair 30.9 – 2.10. Come meet us there and perhaps purchase some of our popular patches!

Speedy happenings in Turku!

This Sunday…

GOTTA GO FAST 3: ANC’s speedrunning event!
Speedrunners from Turku get together at Terrakoti to trash some games in a flash. You can join them on the spot or on ANC’s Twitch.

Timetable (approximate):

12:30-16:00 Zer0skar: Final Fantasy XIII-2
16:15-17:00 Blizzarska: Rayman M
17:15-18:15 Maunorr: Sly 1
18:30-19:00 Jasper: Super Mario 64 16 star run
19:15-20:15 Tipu: Hollow Knight

Super Mario Sunshine

Events in May

Smash-league Thu 19.5. 5 pm Campus chapel
The league draws closer to its end, but you can still make it to these semi-competitive gaming nights.

Smash-league Mon 23.5. 5 pm Campus chapel
The smashing continues. Welcome to new and old button mashers.

Mega Man-hangout Wed 25.5. 5 pm Terrakoti
In this hangout, our chairman Arska attemps to beat an entire Mega Man game in a single sitting. The attempt can be followed on ANC’s Twitch channel. On the spot you can also find company and video and board games.

May gaming night Sat 28.5. 5 pm Turku-sali
In these gaming nights ANC brings out its vast game collection for the world to enjoy. If you’re interested in ie. playing the classic Mario Bros. 3 on original hardware, be there.

Smash-league 30.5. 5 pm Campus chapel
The last league of the season finishes the spring on ANC’s part. We have plans for the summer and at least the biweekly hangout will continue.

Have a wonderful summer!

Smash Weeklies in the Spring

As the summer approaches and Covid-19 restrictions loosen, both Ultimate and Melee will get to flourish in Turku. We will hold six more weekly events on the following dates:

Thursday, April 4
Friday, May 6
Friday, May 13
Thursday, May 19
Monday, May 23
Monday, May 30

Every event is held at Kampuskappeli (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4, Turku). The events start at 5 pm and end at 10 pm. The bracket for Ultimate starts at 17:30 pm and for Melee at around 8 pm. All people of any age group or skill level are welcome!

ANC:n 15v Vuosijuhlat 23.4.2022

Tervehdys rakkaat videopeliystävät!

Meillä on ilo kutsua teidät Turkuun Academic Nintendo Club ry:n 15-vuotisjuhliin lauantaina 23.4.2022 klo 14:00. Juhlallisuudet pidetään lähellä toimistoamme Osakuntasali B:ssä (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 B).
Juhlien illalliskortin hinta on 25 € henkeä kohden. Osallistuminen sisältää haalarimerkin. Tapahtuma on alkoholiton. Illan pukukoodi on juhlapuku tai cosplay. Ilmoittautuminen tapahtuu seuraavasta linkistä: Ilmoittautua voitte 15. huhtikuuta asti.

Vuosijuhlissa muistetaan ANCioituneita ANC:n (nykyisiä ja vanhoja) jäseniä. Voit ehdottaa kunniajäsenyyden arvoista henkilöä seuraavassa lomakkeessa: Aikaa ehdottaa on 20. huhtikuuta asti. 
Illan ohjelma:
13:30 saapuminen
14:00 ohjelma alkaa
Puheet ja tervehdykset
Kunniajäsenten palkitseminen
16:00 Ruokailu
Vapaata hengailua ja pelailua
21:30 valomerkki
Jatkoille Proffan Kellariin tai Terrakodille

Tavataan juhlissa!

Artturi Saarinen

smash ultimate

Events in March

Hello everyone.

March has started swimmingly for ANC. Let’s keep it up.

Smash-league Tue 15.3. 17.00 Campus chapel
The scored tournamment series of the spring finally starts! Every participant earns points according to their placement and there’lll be prizes come summer. Participating for just the good times is naturally also allowed.

Animal Crossing-hangout Wed 16.3. Terrakoti
This hangout is Animal Crossing themed. Welcome all critter junctioners. Other games and chill times are also abound.

Smash-league Thu 24.3. 17.00 Campus chapel
More smashing. The leagues occasionally host special amateur tournaments, so showing up is encouraged even if you’re not yet that confident in your skills.

Hangout Wed 30.3. 17.00 Terrakoti
A solid basic hangout: gaming and chilling.

Smash-league Thu 31.3. 17.00 Turku-sali
We can squeeze one more Smash-league into March. Welcome!


Annual Spring Meeting on March 27, 2022

Greetings to all members of ANC!

Spring has arrived and now is the time to congregate the Annual Spring Meeting. As per usual, last year’s annual report and financial statement will be presented and processed. We’ll also hear a statement from the operations inspector, which will hopefully relieve last year’s board from their duties. You don’t want to miss this one!

The date and time for the Spring meeting is as follows:

Sunday 27th of March, at 1pm.

Last year’s Spring Meeting was held remotely for obvious reasons, but this year we’re lucky enough to be able to hold the meeting in person at Terrakoti. Terrakoti’s address is Rehtorinpellonkatu 4, Yo-talo B.


  • What: Annual Spring Meeting
  • Where: Terrakoti (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4, Yo-talo B)
  • When: Sunday 27th of March 2022
  • How: Just arrive at Terrakoti
  • Why: Following regulations, last year’s annual report and financial statement will be approved

Autumn Meeting and Hangout Wed 8.12. at 17

ANC’s Autumn Meeting will be held on the 8th of December in Turku-Sali. The Club Meeting will choose board members for the next year and plan important things for next year, so be there! Invitation and other documents have been sent to members via email. We’ll continue at Terrakoti after the meeting. Miikka will finish his playthrough of Super Mario RPG in stream:


ANC:n syyskokous 2.12. klo 18.00 @ Osakuntasali & Discord

Tervetuloa Academic Nintendo Club ry:n sääntömääräiseen syyskokoukseen ke 2.12. klo 18 Osakuntasalissa (yo-talo B, Rehtorinpellonkatu 4) sekä etäyhdeyden kautta yhdistyksen Discord-serverillä. Kokouksessa valitaan hallitus vuodelle 2021 ja vahvistetaan jäsenmaksun liityvät asiat.

Kokouksen jälkeen illanviettoa jatketaan päivystyksen merkeissä. Tule paikalle tärkeään tapahtumaan, jossa mielipiteilläsi voi olla hyvin pitkäaikaisia vaikutuksia ANC:n toimintaan!

ANC muistuttaa, että jos et ole uusinut jäsenyyttäsi ja maksanut 5 euron jäsenmaksua, osa jäsenyyksistä päättyy vuoden 2020 lopussa. Syyskokouksessa jäsenyyden uusiminen kahdeksi seuraavaksi vuodeksi käy helposti, ja samalla saat jäsentarran!

Tapahtumaan pyydetään kaikkia ennakkoilmoittautumaan osoitteessa

1. Kokouksen avaus
2. Valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja tarvittaessa kaksi ääntenlaskijaa.
3. Todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
4. Hyväksytään kokouksen työjärjestys
5. Vahvistetaan liittymis- ja jäsenmaksun suuruus vuodelle 2021
6. Vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma sekä tulo- ja menoarvio seuraavalle kalenterivuodelle
7. Valitaan hallituksen puheenjohtaja, rahastonhoitaja ja muut jäsenet
8. Valitaan yksi tai kaksi toiminnantarkastajaa vuodelle 2021 ja heille varatoiminnantarkastajat
9. Käsitellään muut kokouskutsussa mainitut asiat.
9.1. Vahvistetaan hallituksesta eroamiset
9.2. Muut esille tulleet asiat
10. Kokouksen päätös

Physical events temporarily cancelled

Due COVID diagnosis among university students, infection officials advise student clubs to restrict hosting of mass events. Because inspecting of infection chains, all upcoming week’s events are cancelled including tomorrow’s gaming night. This way, we try to minimize infection chains for our part. Sorry about last minute cancel. Freshmen gaming night will be postponed for later date.