Category Archives: Peli-ilta

Postaukset tulevista peli-illoista

December Game night 10.12. at 17 o’clock @ Turku-sali

There’s still time before Christmas. Time to play games in a game night!

In the December game night, the game collection of the ANC is freely playable. You can also bring your own video games, board games or card games and look for people to play them with.

This time, the anime and manga club Senpai ry will also bring some games to the game night. What do they have planned? You’ll have to come to the game night to find out!

The game night is free and open for everyone. Welcome!

Facebook event

The Finnish championship of academic Nintendo gaming 16.11.2019 @ Student House B

The Finnish championship of academic Nintendo gaming is here again! Come test your skills and fight for the championship title in this highly challenging tournament!

This time, the venue for the championship will be Student house B, more specifically osakuntasali and Terrakoti. There’s no fee for attending or taking part, so you should by all means drop by to compete, spectate or just enjoy the atmosphere. You can also come to freely play our many games.

This time, the tournament will be played in pairs. If you don’t have a partner to play with, you can still try to find one at the venue.

The venue opens at 13:00, so you can come well before the preliminary games, which begin at 14:00. The preliminary games consist of three games, and the 16 pairs with the highest scores will advance to the single-elimination brackets, which have a different game for every round. The tournament is expected to finish between 19:00 and 21:00. The tournament games will only be revealed as the tournament progresses, but they will all be played on Nintendo consoles.

You can sign up for the tournament upon arrival. However, since the competition only has room for 64 contestants (32 pairs), it’s better to sign up in advance in the tournament’s page

The tournament is free and open for everyone. Please note that alcohol and tobacco are not allowed in the tournament. Welcome to the tournament, and good luck!

Facebook event

Game night of October 1.10. at 5 PM @ Turku-sali

Let’s start October with a game night!

The Academic Nintendo Club will bring lots of different old and new consoles to Turku-sali for people to freely play. Participants can also bring their own video games, board games or card games. Speaking of which, at least one member is bringing an Xbox 360.

The game night is free and open for everyone. Welcome!

Facebook event

Game Night of September 4.9. at 5.30 PM @ Turku-sali

For many, the beginning of the autumn semester marks the beginning of courses, lectures and work. But what can you do after all that? Well, you can come to our game night, of course!

We will bring lots of different old and new consoles to Turku-sali for people to play. If you want, you can also bring your own video games, board games or card games.

The game night is free and open to everyone. Please note that the game night begins later than usual, at 17:30. Welcome!

Facebook event

Game night of August 21.8. 5 PM @ Turku-sali

The Academic Nintendo Club invites all gamers (and other people too) to the August game night! We have lots of old and new games on many old and new consoles. And if you want, you can also bring your own video games, board games or card games to play.

This time, the game night also features an arcade racing tournament, which consists of three games:
– Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo 64)
– Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Nintendo Gamecube, two players for every car)
– Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled (Nintendo Switch, everyone plays with Joy-Con controllers)

Those who get the overall best results in the three games can compete in the final races!

Both the game night and the arcade racing tournament are free and open to everyone. Welcome!

Facebook event


Koneistamo 20 @ Turku Game Hub 9.-11.8.2019

Yksityiskohdat ja ilmoittautuminen

Viime Koneistamo onnistui niin erinomaisesti, että eikös pistetä samalla menestysreseptillä toinen heti tulille.
Paikkana on tuttuun tapaan Turku Game Hubilla PharmaCityssa (Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4)

Tällä kertaa pelaamme Melee ja Ultimate singles-turnaukset osana eSM-karsintaa. Osallistumiseen vaaditaan SEUL:n pelaajalisenssi ja Suomen kansalaisuus. Ilmoittautuminen näihin turnauksiin päättyy sunnuntaina 4.8. Lisäksi tarjoamme Ultimate Casual Bracketin (amatööribracketin) pooleihin hukkuneille pelaajille, sekä heille, jotka eivät voi eSM-kisoihin osallistua.


perjantai 9.8.

17:00 ovet auki
19:00 Ultimate doubles

lauantai 10.8.

12:00 Melee ja Ultimate singles Wave A poolit
13:30 Melee ja Ultimate singles Wave B poolit
15:00 Melee bracket ja Ultimate Wave C poolit
17:00 Ultimate bracket ja Ultimate Casual bracket

sunnuntai 11.8.

14:00 Turpakellari
21:00 ovet kiinni

pääsymaksu perjantai-lauantai: 10€
Melee ja Ultimate eSM singles 5€,
Ultimate doubles 3€/hlö,
Ultimate Casual Bracket 0€

Vaadimme palkintojen voittajilta henkilötunnuksen, jotta voimme ilmoittaa tiedot tulorekisteriin.

Lisätietoja ja ennakkoilmoittautuminen smashgg:ssä

Tapahtuman järjestävät Academic Nintendo Club ry, Turun Taistelupelaajat ry ja Smashfinland ry


Gaming night of July 10.7. at 5 PM @ Osakuntasali

July seems like a nice time for an evening full of video games and fun. And so, the Academic Nintendo Club will do just that!

The game night will be held at Osakuntasali, which is located in Ylioppilastalo B, along the same corridor as the Academic Nintendo Club’s office, Terrakoti. All of our consoles and games will be playable, and you can also bring your own video games, board games or card games to play.

The event is free and open to everyone. Welcome!

Facebook event