Author Archives: terrakoti


The Open Doors of Terrakoti

Time and place: 5.9.-7.9., Terrakoti (in Ylioppilastalo B, Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 B, opposite to the Turku School of Economics)

The clubs in Terrakoti like to see new people. And so, Terrakoti will be open to newcomers this week (even more so than usual), and five clubs will have representatives there to answer questions. On Wednesday, the representatives of Senpai (the manga and anime club) and Tyrmä (the role and board game society) will be there; on Thursday, representatives of the science fiction and fantasy clubs, Tutka and TSFS, will chat with anyone interested; and on Friday, between 12:00 and 17:00, the Academic Nintendo Club will occupy the sofas (don’t worry, there will still be room on the chairs). Feel free to come chat with us!

The event has its own page on Facebook.

Terrakoti also has its own home page.

Lokakuun peli-ilta

August gaming night 24.8. at Turku hall

Summer’s heat waves are finally starting to ease up, and now it’s time for ANC’s gaming nights to return from their summer break. We’ll be setting up our wide collection of consoles and games -both retro and modern- and everyone is welcome to drop by and play with us. Free of charge, no less! Come on, you should absolutely join in!

What?: ANC’s gaming night
Where?: Turku hall (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4A 2nd floor)
When?: 24.8. at 5PM – 10PM
Why?: Videogames are fun!

Facebook event


Kesäkuun peli-ilta 14.6. @ Turku-sali

Kesälläkin saa välillä pelata videopelejä, ainakin jos sen tekee ANC:n peli-illassa. Tarjolla taas iso kattaus pelikoneita, eikä peleistäkään ole pulaa. Peliseuraakin löytynee ihan mukavasti, joten liity ihmeessä seuraan!

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you can’t play some video games every now and then, especially if you do it while attending ANC’s gaming night. There’s plenty of consoles, and lots of games to play, and finding multi-player buddies should be no problem, either. So come on over!




Odotetut E3-pelimessut ovat täällä taas. Isot pelitalot marssittavat taas edustajansa lavalle esittelemään ja hypettämään uutuuksiaan ja tulevaa tarjontaansa. Älä silti kyhjötä ruutusi edessä yksin, vaan tule Kerhiksellä järjestettävään messukatsomoon jännittämään ja kommentoimaan pressitilaisuuksia oikein porukalla. Ovet ovat auki aina, kun messuilta jotakin nähtävää on.


Lauantai 9.6.
Kello 21:00 – EA

Sunnuntai 10.6.
Kello 23:00 – Microsoft

Maanantai 11.6.
Kello 04:30 – Bethesda
Kello 20:00 – Square Enix
Kello 23:00 – Ubisoft

Tiistai 12.6.
Kello 01:00 – PC Gaming Show
Kello 01:30 – Splatoon 2 Maailmanmestaruus
Kello 04:00 – Sony
Kello 19:00 – Nintendo

The highly anticipated E3 gaming convention is here again, and major game developers are gathering to present and hype their new and upcoming offerings. Instead of squatting in front of your screen all by yourself, feel free to come and share the excitement and your thoughts on the press conferences with everyone at our E3-studio at Kerhis. The doors of Kerhis will be open whenever there’s something new to be seen at the convention.
