Super Mario Sunshine

Events in May

Smash-league Thu 19.5. 5 pm Campus chapel
The league draws closer to its end, but you can still make it to these semi-competitive gaming nights.

Smash-league Mon 23.5. 5 pm Campus chapel
The smashing continues. Welcome to new and old button mashers.

Mega Man-hangout Wed 25.5. 5 pm Terrakoti
In this hangout, our chairman Arska attemps to beat an entire Mega Man game in a single sitting. The attempt can be followed on ANC’s Twitch channel. On the spot you can also find company and video and board games.

May gaming night Sat 28.5. 5 pm Turku-sali
In these gaming nights ANC brings out its vast game collection for the world to enjoy. If you’re interested in ie. playing the classic Mario Bros. 3 on original hardware, be there.

Smash-league 30.5. 5 pm Campus chapel
The last league of the season finishes the spring on ANC’s part. We have plans for the summer and at least the biweekly hangout will continue.

Have a wonderful summer!

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