Finnish championship of Academic Nintendo gaming Sa 27.11

Welcome to the most fun and ceremonius tournament of the year. This is the Finnish championship of Academic Nintendo gaming and this year it will be held for the 12th time. The tournament will be held at Turku student house B’s Osakuntasali and our office Terrakoti.

In the tournament, players will compete in different games from many Nintendo consoles. The tournament games are a secret, and they will be revealed right before the tournament starts. So one point in the tournament is to learn new games fast. The knowledge of the old classics will also help you do well in the tournament. This year, the tournament will be held on singles format. On the venue, you are free to play ANCs games, and root for other players in the tournament.

You will need to register for the tournament to attend this event. The tournament will start at 14 o clock, so try to be at the venue before that. You can register with link below, or at the venue, but be fast because there is room only for 50 attendees. The tournament will start with an elimination round, where everyone will play 3-4 different games. The top 16 from these games will proceed to the single elimination tournament bracket, where the tournament game will change on each round. The tournament will end around 20-21 o’clock.

Because of covid restrictions remember to have especially good hand hygiene, and try to keep distance between other players. If you have any symptoms or are ill, don’t come to the event. We also advice you to use a mask during the event.

The event is free, sober, and open for everyone.


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