What is Terrakoti?
Terrakoti is the shared club room for five geek culture organisations and their umbrella organisation, located in Student House B (Ylioppilastalo B) by the campus area of University of Turku.
The five member organisations specialise in science fiction, fantasy, games (role-playing, board, and video), and Japanese popular culture. All the associations are open for everyone interested, both students and non-students, and most of the activities do not require a good command of Finnish.
Member organisations
- Academic Nintendo Club (ANC)
- Turun anime- ja mangaseura Senpai
- Turku Science Fiction Society (TSFS)
- The Science Fiction Culture Cabinet at The University of Turku (Tutka)
- Role and board game society of University of Turku: Tyrmä
Email (board of the umbrella organisation): hallitus [at] terrakoti [dot] net
Address: Yo-talo B, Rehtorinpellonkatu 4–6, 20500 Turku
Student House B is the light green building between House A (contains e.g. the Student Union office, the restaurant Assarin Ullakko, and the Turku-sali meeting room) and House C (e.g. Campus Chapel), opposite Turku School of Economics. The main entrance is in the back of the yard, with the bar Proffan Kellari on the left and bicycle racks and the Campus chapel on the right. Above the door there are signs Osakuntasali and B-talon järjestökäytävä.
Inside the house, Terrakoti is located on the same floor as the main entrance. Along the long corridor on the right, there is first the Osakuntasali hall and the Student nations’ premises, then Terrakoti on the left. The right door has a Terrakoti sign and the logos of the member associations.